Foxx Votes 'No' on Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Date: March 24, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

Thursday March 24, 2005

WASHINGTON - This evening, United States Rep. Virginia Foxx voted against legislation that would permit federal funding for research on embryonic stem cell lines. H.R. 810, the Stem Cell Research Act, would order federal funding of stem cells derived from killing human embryos. Despite the work of Rep. Foxx and her pro-life colleagues, the bill passed the House in a 238 to 194 vote.

"I am extremely saddened that this irresponsible bill has passed," said Rep. Foxx. "Supporters of this bill are asking taxpayers to foot the bill for the destruction of viable and innocent human embryos. This is a very sad day for the House. I strongly encourage my colleagues in the U.S. Senate to do what is morally right and vote against this bill. I also applaud President Bush for committing to veto this bill if it passes the Senate."

Rep. Foxx has worked hard throughout this session to protect the sanctity of human life. She made the following remarks during debate this afternoon:

"Mr. Speaker, as stewards of hard-working Americans' tax dollars, we cannot ask our constituents to fund the killing of human embryos.

"Like the rest of my colleagues joining me today, I am strongly in support of scientific research to save and improve human life.

"But to fund federal research on stem cells derived from killing human embryos is unethical and irresponsible.

"While stem cell research has never been prohibited in the private sector, President Bush permitted the usage of embryonic stem cell lines sufficient for extensive, government funded research nearly 4 years ago.

"In these 4 years, government and private research on those stem cells has produced nothing, cured no one and there is no indication that will change!

"In the meantime, ethical research, not derived from embryos, in the public and private sectors has helped cure almost 60 diseases.

"The private sector has proven the superiority and promise of cord blood and adult stem cell research by choosing to fund those areas. Let us learn from their example and not squander taxpayer dollars on unethical research.

"Mr. Speaker, we do have 'the power of the purse,' and we cannot misuse it by funding the slaughter of human life.",4&lnk=b&ItemID=175
