Newsletter - Hello from the March for Life!


Date: Jan. 27, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Hello from the March for Life in Washington, D.C.!

It is hard to believe that we have completed the fourth week of the 115th Congress. Here's an update on what we have done for Arizona's Fifth Congressional District.

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This week, the House focused on upholding the dignity of life and the importance of school choice. The week began with the 44th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade on Sunday and culminated with the March for Life today. On Tuesday, we voted on a significant pro-life bill (H.R. 7) that gives Americans assurance that their tax dollars are not being used to subsidize elective abortions. I spoke on the importance of this bill from the House floor on Tuesday night -- watch it here. This week also happened to be National School Choice Week, and I spoke on the House floor to highlight the sterling example Arizona sets with our school choice programs -- watch it here.

I was named to two Judiciary Committee subcommittees this week. I am proud to be serving on the Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet; and the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.

On Wednesday, President Trump took immediate steps to secure the border and protect innocent Americans from criminal illegal immigrants. I was extremely pleased with the President's actions, but I renewed my call to codify his orders into law to avoid the possibility of a future administration inappropriately reinterpreting the law through executive action the way President Obama did. For this reason, I will continue to fight for the passage of my bill, Grant's Law.

Since Wednesday, I have been in Philadelphia with my House and Senate colleagues to chart the course for the 115th Congress. As I have stated before, there is a lot of optimism in Congress relating to what we believe could be accomplished for the American people. Now, we must keep our promises and finish the job by sending our bills to President Trump's desk. I am committed to keeping my promises, and will work hard for my constituents each day I am in Congress.
