Brown, Portman Move Ohio Native, Trump Trade Chief Through Committee

Press Release

Date: April 25, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Rob Portman (R-OH) today voted to advance the nomination of Robert Lighthizer, President Trump's nominee to serve as the U.S. Trade Representative, out of the Senate Finance Committee. Lighthizer will now have to be confirmed by the full Senate. Brown and Portman introduced Lighthizer at his hearing before the Senate Finance Committee earlier this year.

If confirmed, Lighthizer will play a key role in forming U.S. trade policy and representing the U.S. in cases against foreign countries who cheat trade laws. Brown and Portman have pledged to work with Lighthizer if confirmed to help boost Ohio's steel industry.

"Robert Lighthizer knows Ohio's manufacturing sector and he knows that for too long our failed trade policy has left Ohio workers and communities behind," said Brown. "It's time to confirm him so we can work together on a trade agenda that puts American workers first."

"Mr. Lighthizer brings a wealth of experience to this job, which is critically important for ensuring that American workers aren't hurt by foreign trade cheats," said Portman. "We must continue our efforts to level the playing field for American workers and to ensure that we have open markets abroad to grow jobs here at home. Mr. Lighthizer is well-equipped for the task, and I look forward to seeing him succeed as our next Trade Representative."

Brown and Portman have worked to give domestic industries the ability to fight unfair trade practices. In June 2015, the Leveling the Playing Field Act, introduced by Brown and cosponsored by Portman, was signed into law, ushering in the most significant changes to trade remedy law since 2002.
