Reed Announces Opposition to Sessions Nomination For Attorney General


Date: Jan. 31, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today issued the following statement announcing that he will vote against the nomination of U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to be the next U.S. Attorney General:

"On a personal and professional level, I respect Senator Sessions. We have very different views, but there is no denying he has an extensive legal background.

"However, the Attorney General is our nation's chief law enforcement officer. Their job is to defend the Constitution and be an independent voice within the administration. Senator Sessions has not demonstrated sufficient willingness to push back against President Trump's unconstitutional executive overreach.

"Our next Attorney General should be a champion for all Americans' civil rights and civil liberties. They should instill confidence in our judiciary and our elections, and be an impartial arbiter of the due process that is so critical to the rule of law.

"Therefore, I cannot support Senator Sessions' nomination to be Attorney General."
