Saying NJ's Congressional Delegation Needs a Partner, Pascrell Endorses Murphy

Press Release

Date: April 17, 2017
Location: Paterson, NJ

Paterson -- Saying New Jersey's Congressional delegation needs a strong partner in the Governor's Office to stand up to President Trump when his agenda puts residents in the crosshairs -- such as with the misguided plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act -- Congressman Bill Pascrell today gave his endorsement to Phil Murphy for governor.

The endorsement came following a tour the pair took of the Paterson Counseling Center, which has served countless residents fighting opioid addiction. Many of the Center's clients rely on Medicaid to cover the costs of their treatment -- healthcare provided by the Medicaid expansion under Affordable Care Act and which could be stripped away under President Trump's and the Republican Congress' ongoing efforts to repeal and replace the landmark law.

"When President Trump and the Congressional Republicans tried to repeal the healthcare that thousands of the people who come to the Paterson Counseling Center rely upon to get well, Governor Christie took no action. I know Phil will not be cowed by Donald Trump and won't be silent when the people of New Jersey could be hurt," said Pascrell. "Treatment clinics like Paterson Counseling Center allow people under the weight of addiction to be productive employees, to be caring spouses, and to be present parents. But they depend on federal funding to keep going. Phil will make an outstanding Governor and be the partner our Congressional delegation needs in Trenton to keep places like this strong."

Governor Christie has repeatedly touted the Medicare expansion as successful in providing health coverage for more than half-a-million New Jerseyans. Under the expansion, mental health and addiction services have been provided for approximately 1.3 million Americans.

"If we are going to defeat the scourge of opioid addiction, we will need places like Paterson Counseling Center to lead that fight, and we will need leaders like Congressman Pascrell working to protect the Affordable Care Act so it is there to help people reclaim their lives," said Murphy. "Congressman Pascrell has proven himself time and again as one of New Jersey's toughest fighters on Capitol Hill. In the battle to protect the health care of millions of New Jerseyans, we cannot rest of the laurels of last month, and we'll need Congressman Pascrell to keep fighting. I am honored to have his endorsement and to stand with him in this fight, today and always."
