Boyle Statement on the Nomination of Christopher Wray as FBI Director


Congressman Brendan F. Boyle (PA-13), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement today after President Trump nominated former Assistant Attorney General Christopher Wray to replace James Comey as the next FBI Director:

"Since the stunning firing of FBI Director Comey and subsequent contradictory statements from the Administration, I have renewed and repeated my calls for a special prosecutor and independent commission to investigate the connections between Trump and Russian officials and Russia's meddling in our election. The appointment of a special prosecutor is a positive step -- but it is far from a final destination. The American people deserve answers on this fundamental question of our democracy, and only an independent, bipartisan commission can provide a full and transparent accounting of the facts.

"It is my hope that confirmation hearings demonstrate that Christopher Wray understands the importance of impartiality in this inquiry, in addition to the many other vital law enforcement and counter-terrorism responsibilities of the position. The FBI Director must have upmost integrity and remain independent of any political influence, especially this administration which misled the American people about the president's attempt to influence former director Comey. In order for the American people to trust the independence of the FBI, Christopher Wray must finish Comey's investigation with the utmost detail and transparency."
