Committee Approves Three Bills to Restore Fairness and Balance to Labor Policies


The House Committee on Education and the Workforce, chaired by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), today approved three bills to restore fairness and balance to federal labor policies by reforming the National Labor Relations Act. Members released the following statements upon passage:
"Over the years, the NLRB abandoned its role as an impartial referee to pander to powerful special interests," Chairwoman Foxx said. "The rights of workers, employers, and Native American tribes were trampled on in the process. Together, these commonsense bills will help restore fairness and balance to federal labor policies. Representatives Rokita, Walberg, and Wilson are to be commended for their leadership in this important effort. We look forward to continuing to advance much-needed reforms and rein in NLRB overreach."

H.R. 986, the Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2017, introduced by Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN)

"We are leading the way to protect the sovereignty of Native American tribal governments," Rep. Rokita said. "This bill fights for the inherent right to self-government, free from Washington's interference, just like local governments and states. Tribes should be able to develop their own policies that promote jobs, the freedom of work, and economic opportunity. With tribal consensus in favor of this bill, I am confident this is right for our nation because it will help all Americans in the workforce."

Approved by a vote of 22 -- 16..

H.R. 2776, the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act, introduced by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI)

"For too long, the NLRB has advanced misguided policies that hamper economic opportunity and undermine protections for the men and women who drive our economy," Rep. Walberg said. "As a former union member, I respect the right of workers to join a union, but they must be given a real choice and opportunity to make a fully informed decision. Passage of the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act is an important step to restore common sense to union elections and uphold long-held rights for workers and employers."

Approved by a vote of 22 -- 16.

H.R. 2775, the Employee Privacy Protection Act, introduced by Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC)

"The Employee Privacy Protection Act is a commonsense bill that restores fairness to the relationship between union bosses and employees and gives workers more control over their personal information," Rep. Wilson said. "It's time to overturn the NLRB's invasion of employee privacy, and I am grateful that the House Committee on Education and the Workforce passed the legislation today to promote worker independence."

Approved by a vote of 22 -- 16.
