Mark Release: Subcommittee on Tactical Air & Land Forces

Press Release

Date: June 20, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Led by Ranking Member Niki Tsongas (D-MA) and Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH), the Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee for Tactical Air and Land Forces today released its proposals for the Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Subcommittee will meet at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, June 21, in Rayburn 2118. The markup will be webcast on the Committee's website. The Tactical Air & Land mark is available here.

The Tactical Air and Land Forces proposal works to ensure that our military services are provided the necessary authorities and resources to achieve and sustain full spectrum readiness through modernization and recapitalization of existing force structure, and the growth of steady-state and surge capacity to meet the increased demands on our tactical air and ground forces. With respect to acquisition programs, the proposal continues rigorous oversight of major defense programs to ensure programs remain on cost and schedule. Additionally, the proposal seeks to field improved capabilities to the warfighter in a more timely manner and maximize the value of tax dollars spent.

Together with the Full Committee Mark, the Tactical Air and Land Forces mark recommends several actions to address military service unfunded requirements that correct critical munitions shortfalls, tactical strike fighter aircraft and rotorcraft capacity, and ground combat vehicles modernization. Finally, consistent with previous NDAA activity, the proposal takes the necessary actions to ensure that a viable and responsive industrial base exists at every level to reduce manufacturing capacity risk.

Specifically, the mark:

Authorizes multiyear procurement authorities for V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft to generate better cost savings for the taxpayer and provide needed capability to the Navy and Marine Corps;
Provides the authority for the procurement of economic order quantities for F-35 Joint Strike Fighters to reduce costs to the taxpayer by authorizing bulk procurement of common manufacturing materials while also requiring DOD certifications regarding design stability and cost savings estimates;
Requires the Army to provide a plan for executing its ground combat vehicle modernization strategy to ensure our ground forces are properly equipped for high-end conventional combat;
Works to strengthen and improve ISR investment strategies in order to more efficiently and effectively meet combatant commander ISR requirements;
Advances the development and procurement of lighter, stronger and more advanced personal protective equipment systems for all warfighters, while also ensuring women entering combat roles are fully and correctly equipped;
Continues to supports an accelerated and streamlined development acquisition strategy to recapitalize high demand, low-density E-8C JSTARS platforms;
Directs the Secretary of the Army to provide a long term investment strategy that sufficiently funds improvements and needed modernization for Army Ammunition Plants to help improve safety and capacity.
