Blunt Rochester Statement on President Trump's Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement


Date: June 1, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-AL), issued the following statement on President Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement:

"I am deeply disappointed in President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. The United States had a golden opportunity to continue its leadership in combatting the impacts of climate change and to drive our country and the world into a clean-energy future, yet the President has chosen to take us backwards. The scientific community, the private sector, and the intelligence community all agree that the effects of climate change pose a real threat to our health, our economy, and our national security.

"Delaware, as one of the lowest lying states in the country, already faces enormous risk as weather events associated with climate change become more frequent and more powerful. This failure to lead by President Trump puts Delawareans and Americans alike in serious danger. We should instead promote innovation in clean energy that creates jobs, strengthens our economy, and ensures future generations have the opportunity to live healthy, vibrant lives.

"Our children and grandchildren will not look back on this day proudly. Instead, they will condemn this decision."
