Blackburn statement on US debt reaching $20 trillion


Date: Sept. 12, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) released the following statement following the Department of the Treasury's Daily Treasury Statement showing the U.S. national debt jumped more than $317 billion to over $20 trillion after President Donald Trump signed legislation increasing the debt ceiling:

"We have a duty to the hardworking taxpayers to be responsible stewards of their tax dollars. We cannot continue to kick the can down the road by adding to the debt while disregarding the reckless spending that got us here in the first place. Future generations will be shouldered with this heavy burden for years to come unless we fundamentally change the way we think about debt and spending in Washington.

The people are tired of all talk and no action. Recently, a group of leading conservatives in the House sent a letter to Speaker Ryan outlining a number of reforms we would like to see enacted in order to bring real reforms and changes to finally address the underlying cause of our spending and debt crisis."

Blackburn is a member of the Republican Study Committee's Steering Committee, which authored the letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan. She represents Tennessee's Seventh Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.
