Issue Position: Traditional Faith and Family Values

Issue Position

Todd has received 100% ratings year after year from The Family Foundation of Virginia for his voting record protecting traditional faith and family values in public policy and was recently awarded "Legislator of the Year". He voted in support of the "Marriage Amendment" which enshrined marriage into Virginia's constitution as being between one man and one woman. Delegate Gilbert successfully sponsored a new law to protect faith-based adoption agencies from being forced, by the government, to place children with same sex couples. Delegate Gilbert has worked successfully to protect religious liberty by passing a law to ensure that religious organizations on the campuses of Virginia public colleges and universities do not have to admit members who do not share their faith or values. Todd also believes very strongly in the sanctity of life. He is 100% pro-life and has co-sponsored legislation to recognize that life, and the rights that attach to it, begins at the moment of conception. Todd is also a strong supporter of parental rights and the rights of parents to educate their children as they see fit through private, religious, or home-schooling.
