Graves Votes to Balance Budget

Press Release

Date: Oct. 5, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

US Representative Sam Graves issued the following statement after voting in favor of the Building a Better America budget - H. Con. Res. 71- which passed the House today and sets the federal budget for fiscal year 2018. The budget achieves important savings and reforms over the next 10 years.

"North Missourians know how to live within their means; the federal government should be no different. Spending money we do not have is simply irresponsible. Today's budget vote, which I supported, balances the budget within 10 years by cutting spending, reforming government, and growing the economy. Additionally, this vote strengthens our national defense, tightens border security, and increases accountability at the Department of Veterans Affairs -- important measures to further support our military, citizens, and veterans. Finally, this budget sets up the process for tax reform which, among other things, will reduce tax rates and simplify the tax code, ultimately putting more money in your pocket."

The Building a Better America budget (H. Con. Res. 71) will reduce the deficit by $6.5 trillion over 10 years and produce a $9 billion by fiscal year 2027. The budget sets discretionary spending at $1.132 trillion for fiscal year 2018. The budget also gives reconciliation instructions to 11 House Committees to achieve at least $203 billion in mandatory savings and reforms. Additionally, the budget aims to reduce improper government payments by $700 billion.
