Kildee Statement On Republican Tax Plan

Date: Nov. 2, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05) issued the following statement today after Republicans unveiled their tax plan:
"I support real bipartisan tax reform that simplifies our tax code and gives relief to middle class families. Unfortunately, the Republican tax plan puts billionaires first, prioritizing tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans.

"I strongly oppose Republican efforts to repeal the estate tax, which gives just 5,400 wealthy families a $269 billion tax break. Just 100 families in Michigan, including the DeVos family, would benefit from the repeal of the estate tax. It is unfair and wrong to ask hardworking families to pay more in order to give huge tax breaks to those at the very top.

"Republicans pay for their tax cuts for the wealthy by asking middle class Americans to pay more. This plan explodes the national deficit and paves the way for massive cuts to Medicare, as well as investments in education and infrastructure. Borrowing money from our grandkids to give corporations and the wealthy tax cuts is irresponsible and wrong."
