Polis Calls for New Public Comment Period on Net Neutrality


Date: Nov. 29, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo., gave the following statement regarding recent findings that over half of net neutrality comments submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) during its public comment period were fake. During the comment period, which ran from April 27 -- Aug. 30, members of the public could formally weigh in on net neutrality rules. The FCC is now planning to rollback rules that protect net neutrality in a meeting scheduled for Dec. 14.

"In light of this major revelation that 57 percent of the 22 million public comments on net neutrality contained false information, I am calling upon the FCC to start a new public comment process before moving forward, so at least we know that the FCC didn't base their decision on input from bots and fake accounts," said Polis.

As an entrepreneur and creator of several successful Internet start-ups, Polis has long been an ardent supporter of an open Internet. He has been instrumental in stopping legislation like the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), as well as PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) that sought to introduce heavy-handed government censorship into the Internet. He has led efforts to support net neutrality since being elected to Congress in 2008. Recently he sent several letters to the FCC asking that they not repeal net neutrality and continue to protect the free flow of information on which our economy depends.
