Walberg: Tax Cuts and Bigger Paychecks On the Way

Press Release

Date: Dec. 20, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Congressman Tim Walberg (MI-07) today attended a bill passage ceremony at the White House after voting for historic tax relief for workers, families and job creators in Michigan. H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, is the most sweeping overhaul of the tax code in more than 30 years. With this bill, the typical family of four earning the median family income of $73,000 will receive a tax cut of $2,059.

"In cities and towns throughout the 7th District, I've repeatedly heard the need for tax relief for hardworking families and small businesses who need a break. All along, I've fought for boosting their take-home pay and pocketbooks. Our bill delivers on the promise to provide real relief and a brighter future. It will help create more good-paying jobs, jumpstart our economy, and encourage more investment in our communities. Now that this historic bill is on President Trump's desk, tax cuts and bigger paychecks are on the way," said Congressman Walberg.

"Tax reform is our nation's Christmas present this year. Simplification of the tax code will save my household and small business thousands of dollars in accounting fees, reduce turn around time, and put more of my money back into my household," said Owen Ballow from Jackson, Michigan.

"As a family of four, any tax break we can get, absolutely counts. We can use this extra money for a college fund, health care costs, or towards a down payment of a car for our child that is getting ready to drive. Finally, some relief that helps our family. We have needed an overhaul like this for years," said Michael and Amber Neely from Coldwater, Michigan.

"The tax relief provided in this legislation will have a profoundly beneficial impact for small businesses and middle income families, such as ours. On a personal level, we will have more money to purchase goods and services from our local restaurants and retailers, and from a business standpoint, we will have more money to grow our small real estate company. We especially appreciate the changes that were incorporated in the final version of the bill, which recognizes the importance of home ownership. While no legislation is perfect, we are excited to see the economic growth that will be achieved as a result of its passage," said Eric and Christine Dean from Grand Ledge, Michigan.

"This tax reform package is good news for the economic climate in our community. Local businesses will see a lower tax burden and significant savings, which in turn will lead to more investment in employee development and job growth," said Mindy Bradish-Orta, President/CEO of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce.

"Michigan, over the past years, has done so much to entice companies to migrate back to this great state, creating investment and jobs. Now through the help of Congressman Walberg and our current administration in Washington, we have the backing of the federal government for the reestablishment of investing and the creation of even more jobs with the newly enacted tax reform. With the potential for more job creation and more take-home pay for our workforce we say thank you, Congressman," said Jim Van Doren, Executive Director of Lenawee Now.
