Polis: the Internet as We Know It - Going, Going, Gone! Sold (Sadly) to the Highest Bidder.

Press Release

Date: Dec. 14, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo., gave the following statement about the FCC eliminating Net Neutrality protections.

"Next up: The internet as we know it. Going, going, gone! Sold (sadly) to the highest bidder. Against the will of the people, the FCC rolled back Net Neutrality protections today, effectively ending the internet as we know it and stifling the free flow of information upon which our economy depends," said Polis. "Knowing exactly how critical the internet is to innovation, I won't give up on Net Neutrality, and am sponsoring a congressional fix."

"What does this mean for the internet? Well, the fight continues in: the Courts - several advocacy groups have already promised to sue the FCC over Net Neutrality regulations. The states - state and municipalities will now face more pressure to consider providing high speed open internet as a utility. Congress - lawmakers can make laws to reinstate net neutrality. I am a sponsor of a bill to save net neutrality and block the FCC rollback of net neutrality," Polis continued.

Polis is an ardent advocate for Net Neutrality protections.

He is a co-sponsor of the Save Net Neutrality Act (H.R. 4585) to stop the FCC's Net Neutrality rule reversal.

He has sent several letters to the FCC asking that they not repeal Net Neutrality protections.

Following findings that over half of Net Neutrality comments submitted to the FCC during its public comment period were fake, Polis called for starting the comment period over and delaying the FCC decision.

He offered an amendment on Tuesday to the Higher Education Act Reauthorization to prevent educational materials from being blocked or censored by internet providers as a result of the Net Neutrality rollback.

Polis's office has received 1,500 calls and over 5,700 emails on Net Neutrality, all against the FCC changes.

Prior to serving in Congress, Polis also founded several startup and tech companies, including ProFlowers.com and Techstars.
