The State of Our Union: Capitol Solutions

Press Release

Date: Feb. 2, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Each year, the President comes to the U.S. Capitol to speak to members of Congress, but more importantly, to address the American people. The President usually comments on current events, touts accomplishments, and lays out an agenda for the coming year.

This year's speech was a reminder of the need to work together to address some of our nation's challenges. It was also a reminder of what makes America the incredible nation it is.

Whether it was the pure act of love and selflessness by policeman Ryan Holets and his wife adopting the child of a homeless woman struggling with substance abuse and addiction, or the faith and persistence of North Korean defector Ji Seong-ho, their stories showed us how the strength of our will, faith in God, and the drive for our desires can lead us to create the nation and world we wish to live in.

The President laid out some priorities he has for 2018. He advocated for an infrastructure package which is an issue I hear about at my town halls in the Third District. Not only do we need to update and strengthen our roads and bridges, but also our levees, locks, and dams critical for flood protection and getting Iowa's goods to markets. And I hope issues such as encouraging investment in rural broadband expansion projects are prioritized so we can narrow the Digital Divide between urban and rural areas. I look forward to working with my colleagues and the White House on developing an infrastructure plan which doesn't leave rural America behind.

Iowans are the strongest, smartest, and most productive farmers and producers in the world and we export a tremendous amount of agricultural goods. While I'm glad the President touched on trade and is supportive of fair agreements we need his administration to back-up his words with actions. As farm incomes have struggled, it's important we gain, not lose, access to markets and consumers.

The President also laid out his views on how to address immigration reform - specifically border security and the status of those who entered the country illegally as minors. I'm hopeful we can reach a bipartisan solution which addresses these issues as well as reforming and limiting chain migration and ending the visa lottery program. President Obama acknowledged his Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program stretched his executive authority, so I appreciate President Trump putting the onus on Congress where these issues belong.

And starting this month, Iowans will see more money in their paychecks. I've already heard from Iowans sharing with me their stories of being able to keep more of their hard-earned paychecks and what they plan to do with their dollars. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being invested into small and larger business and workers in industries and communities across America.

Iowans are receiving relief in pay and bonuses, a doubling of the standard deduction, a doubling of the child tax-credit, and options for saving for retirement. I was proud to vote for the tax relief and jobs creation bill. A healthy economy means stronger communities and in January, over 200,000 jobs were created and unemployment levels are at historical lows. That is on top of the over $3 billion given to Americans across the country, and in the Third District, as well earned bonuses, benefits, and wage increases.

As Congress continues deliberating the important issues facing our nation, I'll continue to work with anyone, bringing Iowa common sense to the table, as we continue to work on solving problems where level heads, good ideas, and our best ideals rise to the top.

CAPITOL SOLUTIONS is a weekly report to the people of Iowa from Third District Congressman David Young. The report is a resource of information for Iowans on the issues being debated and discussed in Congress, Iowa and the nation.

David Young is the Congressman serving all the people of the sixteen counties of Iowa's Third Congressional District. He is a member of the Committee on Appropriations and Subcommittees on Agriculture, Financial Services and General Government, and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development. Congressman Young is also the founder and Chairman of the Bipartisan Congressional Task Force to Combat Identity Theft and Fraud - a group of dedicated legislators working towards commonsense solutions to protect all Americans from hackers, scammers, thieves and fraudsters.
