Supporting the Comprehensive Regulatory Review Act

Floor Speech

Date: March 6, 2018
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the Comprehensive Regulatory Review Act.

As a former regulator at the FDIC, I can tell you that the road to a really bad economy is paved with seemingly good regulations. Regulations like the ones that came out of Dodd-Frank were intended to protect the consumer, but ended up creating more burden, more complexity, more cost, and fewer choices.

By the way, it destroys relationship banking in rural America and districts I represent. The best way to protect consumers and weed out the bad-acting businesses is a healthy market with robust competition, transparency, and more choices for the consumer.

The last 8 years gave us an administrative state in place of the freest and greatest economy in the world. We inherited trillions of dollars in regulatory costs, millions of hours in paperwork, and an economy that has grinded to a near halt.

Let's continue to rein in the unnecessary regulations. Let's get this economy growing again, and let's make America great again.

