Blocking Regulatory Interference From Closing Kilns Act of 2017

Floor Speech

Date: March 7, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment


Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman for the excellent work that he has done on the BRICK Act, and also Mr. Johnson, who brought this legislation forward and who has worked so closely with individuals, with companies in his district to address their concerns on this.

Now, what brings us here today is the fact that, once before, the brick industry faced an EPA rule that went on the books, hadn't gone through judicial review. This happened in 2003.

Over a period of 5 years, they began ramping up to make these changes. This is expensive because most of the brick manufacturers in our country are small businesses. They have two kilns, and they are working very, very hard to keep the jobs and keep people employed. When they look at having to change to this new equipment, the investment is going to be $3 million, $4 million, $5 million, depending on the size of their business.

Now, previously, a rule went through the process of judicial review, and then it was withdrawn. What this legislation does is to say, look, let's finish this entire process before we move that expense to the industry, because when you put it to the industry and they are incurring this cost that could end up being an unnecessary cost, what happens? Brick costs more. Building materials cost more.

Who ends up paying for that? Consumers, purchasers, individuals who are buying homes, individuals who are remodeling homes, individuals who are building commercial buildings.

So what we are saying is let's exercise some wisdom. Let's exercise a little bit of experience that comes from having been here before, and let's delay until this entire process is finished.

As we have talked about bricks, we are also addressing the wood heater industry, which is a primary source of heat for many of our homes, and just saying let's be mindful, let's be careful, let's put consumers and taxpayers in front of the bureaucrats who are looking to implement these rules and regulations.

