Brown: Congress Must Pass New AUMF


Date: March 20, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense

On the 15 year anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Congressman Anthony G. Brown (MD-04) released the following statement calling for a new Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). Congressman Brown was deployed to Iraq in 2004, where he earned the Bronze Star, and became of the nation's highest-ranking elected officials to serve a tour of duty.

"We cannot keep using an outdated AUMF to justify new and ongoing military operations in more than 76 countries, or to have US servicemembers indefinitely deployed to places like Niger, Syria and Yemen. Congress never intended to sign a blank check that permanently authorizes military force, nor did Congress intend to perpetually abdicate its constitutional powers. Worse yet, more than two-thirds of the members of the House did not vote on these AUMFs.

"As we engage in critical combat operations against shifting and evolving threats across the globe, we must clearly define our mission in a way that reflects our priorities, values and laws. There must be greater consultation with Congress, greater transparency and greater buy-in from the American people.

"While there are legitimate disagreements on the scope and limits of a new AUMF, it is time that we have a robust and transparent debate in Congress. The American people have waited long enough for Congress to fulfill this principal constitutional duty."
