Title X and Planned Parenthood

Floor Speech

Date: April 18, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Reproduction


Mr. BANKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of changes to title X family planning funds.

Currently, abortion providers like Planned Parenthood are eligible to receive these title X funds, but abortion is not family planning; it is family ending. It ends the lives of innocent children. It is an affront to the very definition of family.

Title X is Planned Parenthood's second largest funding stream, providing around $80 million a year. America's largest abortion provider, which ends over 321,000 lives each year, should never receive a single dime of taxpayer dollars.

I strongly support efforts to turn off the title X funding stream for Planned Parenthood, and urge the Department of Health and Human Services to issue new regulations for the title X program that will stop funding for programs that include abortion.

Mr. Speaker, there are much better and life-affirming options than allowing Planned Parenthood access to taxpayer dollars.

