America's National Debt is a Threat to America's National Security

Press Release

Congressman Biggs, along with 34 original co-sponsors, introduced a House resolution recognizing the national debt as a threat to national security. This resolution comes as America's national debt is quickly approaching $22 trillion dollars, and Congress remains reluctant to cut spending and balance the budget. Congressman Biggs and several of the original co-sponsors released the following statements:

"My colleagues and I have introduced this resolution because, with a national debt over $21 trillion, the United States is racing towards a fiscal cliff. We are taking few measures to solve this problem. It is beyond time for Congress to become serious about balancing the nation's budget and making significant cuts to federal spending. If we do not change our course, we will be responsible for one of the worse catastrophes this nation has ever experienced: the crash of the American economy and the demise of a superpower. We must not let our grandchildren inherit -- and experience -- this ruinous fate." - Congressman Andy Biggs (AZ-05)

"Our national deficit will near one trillion dollars next year, and trillions more are projected indefinitely. This burden threatens the kind of country we leave behind for our children and grandchildren. When I was Chairman of the Budget Committee last year, we passed through the House the most conservative budget resolution in over two decades that cut $200 billion in mandatory spending and balanced our budget in ten years. Ensuring future generations have the same opportunities we have today means making hard choices -- no more delays or denial. We must return to regular order and end this borrow-and-spend cycle that has gone on for far too long." - Congressman Diane Black (TN-06)

"As Ronald Reagan said, "We have large deficits, not because we tax too little, but because we spend too much.' We are heading toward a financial Armageddon if we do not get our spending under control." - Congressman Rod Blum (IA-01)

"We are racing towards a fiscal disaster. The Republican agenda (lower taxes and lower spending and less government) must urgently be implemented to avoid a fiscal cliff that could lead to the instability of the American economy, leaving our nation incredibly vulnerable." -- Congressman Dave Brat (VA-07)

"Our nation's security depends heavily on our economic strength and prosperity. With overspending and crippling debt, our armed forces and national security infrastructure will no longer have the resources they need to keep this country safe." - Congressman Ken Buck (CO-04)

"Since coming to Washington, I have watched the Federal Government borrow and spend without restraint. This reckless way of governing has to end and that's why I was proud to join other like-minded fiscal conservatives to introduce this resolution to recognize our soaring $21 trillion debt for what it is -- a threat to our nation's security." - Congressman John Curtis (UT-03)

"Our nation is wading through debt and our federal spending is out-of-control. We cannot afford to continue down this path. Our $21 trillion plus debt is a threat to our national security." -- Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-04)

"A major reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union is that it was not economically able to support a military. The United States' skyrocketing debt is quickly becoming a national security threat that must be addressed." - Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06)

"After years of reckless spending, the United States' national debt now stands at $21 trillion. Short-term spending patches and failure to follow the regular budget process are digging the United States into an even deeper financial hole. The national debt is a major threat to our national security, and Congress must act to balance our federal budget and reduce the debt." - Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01)

"Each time our nation's leading military officials testify before Congress, they acknowledge one of the biggest threats to our national security is the national debt. It is foolish to further indebt ourselves to hostile nations and jeopardize our children and grandchildren's future in the process. Irresponsible spending must be stopped, and our leaders in Washington must come to terms with the true cost of their actions." - Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04)

"Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Michael Mullen has continually testified that the biggest threat to our national security is America's rising debt -- and we couldn't agree more. Congress continues to dangerously march to the beat of national bankruptcy. If we are not careful, we will march our children and grandchildren right off the fiscal cliff. I do not want that future for this country." - Congressman Walter Jones (NC-03)

"The American people sent us to Washington to change the status quo and reduce out-of-control government spending. It's time to deal with our spending problems and balance the federal budget." - Congressman Jim Jordan (OH-04)

"We can no longer allow the weight and burden of our national debt to impede our ability to defend our country. Congress must address this real and present threat immediately." - Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08)

"Washington does not have an income problem; Washington has a spending problem. Our country now has an abysmal $21 trillion dollar national debt -- that is completely unacceptable. The further in the hole we go, we are only getting closer to the crash of our economy. Should that happen, how will we be able to remain the number one military force in the world? We are putting the American people, and our brave service members, at great risk as we sit idly by. The time is now for my colleagues in Washington to get serious and start passing meaningful legislation to get our fiscal house in order. America depends on it." - Congressman Ralph Norman (SC-05)

"If we don't get our financial house in order, ultimately none of the other ongoing political fights are going to matter. Our country's national debt and the unsustainable spending that drives it represent the existential threat to our country's existence. Accordingly, I'm proud to be a cosponsor of this resolution." - Congressman Mark Sanford (SC-01)

"I ran for office pledging to do my part to stop the spigot of spending and get our fiscal house in order, including slowing the growth of our massive national debt. National security experts have long warned us that our massive debt is one of our biggest national security threats. As our debt continues to grow, our interest payments grow and soon we will spend more paying down interest on the debt than on national defense. I do not accept the standard Washington presumption that nothing in the budget can be cut in order to fund important priorities without increasing the deficit. Hardworking taxpayers make tough spending decisions to stay within their budget and expect their representatives in government will do the same." - Congressman Daniel Webster (FL-11)
