Russia Energy Interests in Europe

Floor Speech

Date: July 18, 2018
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, control of energy equals national security.

I rise to warn how Russia through hybrid warfare seeks to destabilize and divide our closest European Allies through control of their energy supply. As Americans well know, whoever controls the energy spigot, controls the function of a nation. Russia uses its growing dominance of energy in Europe as its primary pressure point to destabilize the West and our alliances.

That is why I was floored that President Trump inserted himself so haphazardly into Europe's energy debate. Nord Stream II poses new, troubling dependency threats by Russia on Europe's energy security.

It boosts undemocratic Russia's claw hold on the European continent.

Russia is weaponizing energy in countries across Europe, including Germany and Ukraine, creating a dangerous new dependency by recipient nations. The fight for Ukraine's liberty depends on its energy independence in the future. The free world must help Europe and Ukraine to reduce their economic reliance on Russian gas.

Risking alienation of nations that share freedom's values is counterproductive. It aids and abets our enemies.

I include in the Record President Trump's and Putin's comments.

Excerpt of President Trump's and President Putin's Press Conference

