Chris McDaniel interview on The Wilkow Majority (SiriusXM Patriot) -- 7/16/18


Date: July 18, 2018

Click the image below to listen to Andrew Wilkow interviewing U.S. Senate candidate Chris McDaniel on The Wilkow Majority Monday, July 16th, 2018:

Here are a few quotes from the segment:

Andrew Wilkow

"Chris McDaniel is a fine individual. I have spent time with him off the air. We've had lengthy discussions about the constitution and government. And I was excited when he ran for Senate out of the state of Mississippi… only to be burned, not by the Democrats, but by the Republicans."

"It's amazing that you have so many Republicans that run as conservatives and as soon as they get to Washington, they start making apologies for being conservative. They say "well this is settled law' or "we're not discussing that right now.'"

"They get to Washington and then they constitute themselves as the Republican wing of the Democrat party. They rarely ever push back. They rarely ever make the case. Some of them have spent so much of their energy trying to oppose Donald Trump. They like the bad trade deals. They don't disagree with the open border. They shrug their shoulders. They promise to repeal Obamacare; they've done no such thing."

"It's Mississippi. If we can't get conservatives into the Senate from Mississippi, we've got a problem."

Chris McDaniel

"Whether it's the U.S. Chamber of Commerce or whether it's the establishment in D.C. or whether it's, now, Sean Parker from Facebook… all of these liberal entities are converging on Mississippi to try and stop our state from sending a conservative to Washington."

"It's time to get a big win in Mississippi. It's time to tell them that we're tired of being betrayed, that we're tired of playing their games and we want new leadership in Washington D.C."

"Our party has been infiltrated by cowards. Our party has been infiltrated by former Democrats who may have changed the letter at the end of their name, but they didn't change their governing philosophy. So the bottom line is they want to protect the establishment. They want to protect the status quo. They want to make sure they keep getting rich, their friends keep getting rich, their buddies keep getting the contracts, and so on so forth. We're here to break that cartel up. We're here to actually elect conservatives not to be ashamed about being conservative, but to fight. And that's one of the things we've been so disappointed about with Mitch McConnell's leadership. He doesn't allow conservatives to fight. He doesn't force the vote. He doesn't give us our debate on the floor. People like Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul; they deserve a voice. And if we're not expanding that voice, if we're not articulating the conservative message, our kids, our grandkids, nobody's ever going to hear it. So look, we're in a pivotal time, and if we don't have fighters in Washington, the status quo prevails, the government keeps growing, the debt keeps growing, civil liberties keep disappearing. All we're asking people to do is to fight. To stand our ground one last time, push back and regain some of this ground that we've lost over the years."
