Carter: "Another Step Toward Rebuilding Our Military"


Date: May 24, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John Carter (TX-31) released the following statement after the House passed H.R. 5515, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

"The FY19 NDAA is another step toward rebuilding our military after harmful cuts. This legislation fully funds a much-needed pay raise for our troops, provides bonuses for service members in high-demand fields, and improves readiness through additional training and better equipment. Our military men and women have an important job to do, and they deserve the tools and training necessary to be successful and remain safe."

Highlights of H.R. 5515:

- Authorizes $360 million for Stryker A1 combat vehicles
- Modernizes Army Armored Brigade Combat Team vehicles, including 135 M1 Abrams tanks, 60 Bradley fighting vehicles, 197 Armored multi-purpose vehicles, 38 Improved Recovery Vehicles, and 3,390 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles
- Authorizes funding for the Army to conduct 20 Combat Training Center rotations and two Security Force Assistance Brigade culminating training events a year.
- Increases funding for facilities sustainment and authorizes $11.3 billion for military construction, including family housing.
- Creates a new DOD Chief Management Officer charged with finding inefficiencies to utilize tax dollars responsibly
