Congressman Alex Mooney Praises Passage of Bipartisan JOBS and Investor Confidence Act of 2018

Press Release

Date: July 18, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Today, the House of Representatives passed the JOBS and Investor Confidence Act of 2018 by a vote of 406 to 4. This package of 30 bills will help small businesses and entrepreneurs acquire capital to create jobs.

The package also includes, H.R. 4281, Expanding Access to Capital for Job Creators Act, co-authored by Congressman Mooney and Congressman Ruben Kihuen (D-NV). This bill requires the Securities and Exchange Commission to identify any challenges faced by rural small businesses seeking capital investments.

"As I tour small businesses across West Virginia, I hear about the challenges in accessing capital to expand operations and create jobs. These bills will help get the government out of the way and make it easier for businesses to grow and expand.

The Expanding Access to Capital for Job Creators Act is particularly important to rural states like West Virginia. Small Businesses are the backbone of West Virginia's economy and make up nearly 50% of the workforce. My bill will ensure that rural job creators are not ignored and are able to get the loans they need to start their businesses across West Virginia.

I commend Chairman Hensarling for working in a bipartisan manner to advance this important legislation," said Congressman Mooney.
