Fox News "The Story" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Ron DeSantis


Date: July 30, 2018


SMITH: We are just 100 days and counting now, until the midterm elections. And despite, dire predictions from critics, candidates running on President Trump's platform are reaping the benefits.

Just look at the GOP primary race for governor in Florida. About six weeks ago, before the Fox debate, Florida's Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam had a 15-point lead to Congressman Ron DeSantis. Since then, President Trump endorsed DeSantis, and Putnam now finds himself with an 11-point deficit.

But the president set to rally with the DeSantis in Tampa tomorrow night. Joining me now is Congressman Ron DeSantis, Republican candidate for Florida governor. Congressman, good evening to you. So, how is it going?

REP. RONALD DESANTIS, R-FLA., CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA: Now, we're doing really well, Sandra. I think that, you know, that week, where we did get the Trump tweet, then we had our Fox News debate and, of course, I started finally advertising, was really, I think, the inflection point in the race.

We've done really well since that point and, obviously, with the President coming down tomorrow, he's going to fill out an arena that has, I don't know how many thousands of people. That's going to be a big, big deal and I think that will further our momentum and lead us to victory.

SMITH: So, what do you -- what is -- what does all of this say about the way President Trump and the influence he is going to have as we mentioned, less than 100 days out now until midterms, what impact is he having on your Party and these races?

DESANTIS: Well, I think it's a big impact because he has brought new people to the Republican Party, and so you have some of the old guard who have, kind of, been around the block. He then energized new folks. And so I think those are the people we need to come out to support Republican candidates up and down the ballot.

And he's really the catalyst for getting them to turn out. Obviously, in Florida, he's had a very strong following from the beginning. He had a record-setting performance in his primary down here, obviously, won Florida for the Electoral College and he has had good ratings in Florida, you know, for most of his presidency, including now.

So I think he really brings a lot to the table in terms of driving those core Trump supporters out to the polls.

SMITH: Pam Bondi, Florida Attorney General, she's going to bat for your opponent, Adam Putnam, she went to bat for Donald Trump. Here's a new ad where she is doing just that. Watch.


PAM BONDI, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF FLORIDA: I fought hard to elect President Trump and I'm supporting Adam Putnam for governor. Adam will stand with President Trump to get tough on illegal immigration, ban sanctuary cities and deport criminal illegal aliens. That's why Florida law enforcement is standing with him.


SMITH: Why is she not going to bat for you?

DESANTIS: Well, look, I think, she has been a friend of mine. She's done a good job. But, I mean, obviously, Donald Trump has made his choice. And so if I had the choice between those two endorsements, I would choose the President any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

I also just disagree with the substance of the admin. The fact of the matter is, Putnam has supported things like the Gang of Eight amnesty that Schumer and Obama pushed. He voted against allowing troops on the southern border, was the only Republican in Florida to do that.

And he's against e-verify, which we need in Florida, so you can stop elimination. So there's actually a big divide between the two of us on that. And I think the President took the measure of both candidates and thought I was the leader that Florida needs.

SMITH: Finally, I want to get your reaction to Nancy Pelosi, addressing Democrats saying our commitment to the economic well-being of working families has helped differentiate us from the damaging choices the Republican Congress has made to reward the wealthiest Americans and large corporations at the expense of weakening Americans' access to affordable health care, your response to her?

DESANTIS: Well, the economy is doing very well, much better than when she was speaker of the house. I think we need to keep that momentum going. If she has her way, though, Americans will be paying higher federal taxes. Obviously, she would increase bureaucracy and red tape, which would slow down the economy.

So I think we should build off the success we've had rather than turn over the reins to Pelosi. She had her chance and the American people rejected her program. It won't going to be better the second time around.

SMITH: Congressman Ron DeSantis, thank you for coming on the program tonight.

DESANTIS: Thank you.

