Braun Praises President Trump's Strong Policy Toward Iran


Date: Aug. 6, 2018
Location: Jasper, IN

Mike Braun released the following statement on President Trump's executive order to reimpose sanctions on Iran following his withdrawal from President Barack Obama's Iran nuclear deal which Senator Joe Donnelly strongly supported:

"President Trump's foreign policy of maximum pressure toward our enemies is getting results where career politicians have failed for decades," said Mike Braun. "Unlike career politician Senator Donnelly, who is a fervent supporter of President Obama's failed and dangerous Iran nuclear deal, I strongly support President Trump's decision to reimpose sanctions on the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism: Iran."


In August 2015, Donnelly Announced Support of Iran Nuclear Deal

Donnelly has repeatedly praised the Iran deal. In an August 2015 interview with RTV6, Donnelly said the Iran nuclear deal "makes our nation safer and it makes Israel safer as well." In a September 2015 interview with the Tribune Star, Donnelly said the Iran deal is "right for America." ( YouTube , 8/20/15; YouTube , 9/15/15)
