CNN "Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees" - Transcript: Interview with Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut



[20:10:02] COOPER: Yes. MJ Lee, thanks very much.

With us now, someone who has all kind of questions for the president and the people close to him, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal, who serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Thanks so much for being with us.


COOPER: I mean, the fact that the guy who's the CFO of the Trump organization has now been subpoenaed, there's so much we know don't know about that. How important do you think this is?

BLUMENTHAL: It is a potential bombshell, not only because Allen Weisselberg in effect has the keys to the Trump financial kingdom, he knows where all the bodies are buried, but it shows clearly that the prosecutors here are, in fact, following the money. And that is the key, whether it's deal, dealings and loans in Russia that may provide a motive, what does Putin have on Trump? That's been one of the most common questions asked in the wake of Helsinki.

But also it shows they are in fact knocking on the White House door.

COOPER: The subpoenas, I mean by the southern district, but whatever is revealed through this subpoena would no doubt be also of interest to the Mueller investigation.

BLUMENTHAL: That is the key question, and it points to the fact that there's one Department of Justice here, and everybody reports to Rod Rosenstein. The effort to impeach Rod Rosenstein shows again folks are becoming increasingly worried and desperate about how the Department of Justice is in fact closing in on the Trump financial matters. And that information will go back and forth, grand jury information to be shared among offices, and in fact the IRS information that the Mueller investigation has obtained will also go to the Southern District of New York.

COOPER: Would the Mueller investigation even know if Donald Trump is being audited by the IRS? Would they have that information?

BLUMENTHAL: They could well have access to that information? There has to be showing to get IRS information, but it certainly could be made available.

COOPER: The -- it is fascinating that at this point, there's still so much, you know -- the president despite during the campaign saying, oh, yes, as soon as this alleged audit is finished, I'm going to release it. There's still so much not known about anything to do with the finances. And as he told "The New York Times", he views that as a red line for the Mueller investigation.

BLUMENTHAL: And I think that indicates what your excellent reporting also shows, that he is becoming increasingly concerned, I think is the right word to describe it, certainly the evidence of his statement of grievances. But also keep in mind that there are other ways that we can get at that financial information. I have led to of my colleagues in a lawsuit under a constitutional provision, the emoluments clause that forbids his taking payments and benefits from foreign governments.

And what we want to know is the entire universe of payments and benefits he's received without consent of congress, and we're hoping that the court will give us the standing to move ahead with that lawsuit, which could be very, very important and other lawsuits going forward as well. And as you said, he has never surrendered ownership of the Trump Organization. So what Allen Weisselberg has to say about the ongoing affairs of that organization can be imputed to him as the owner.

COOPER: And when I mean, in respond to the subpoena to go and testify, he can be asked anything.

BLUMENTHAL: He can be asked about anything. There is no limit to what he can be asked about that conversation, setting up a shell company, indicating clearly that Donald Trump and Michael Cohen were in a criminal conspiracy to violate the campaign finance laws. Make no mistake, that evidence is powerful in implicating Trump and Cohen in a criminal conspiracy.

COOPER: When you say criminal conspiracy -- I mean, you're talking about a violation of what federal election campaign laws?

BLUMENTHAL: And a potential fraud investigation, other kinds of violations. But the agreement to work in concealing -- work together in concealing the potential deception of the government is certainly a violation of the campaign finance laws, if proven by evidence, other evidence and confirmed. And I think implicates potentially Allen Weisselberg as well.

So, those questions and any others about the Trump Organization's financial dealings, loans, involving Russia or Deutsche Bank which has acknowledged in fact money laundering for Russia, it's also Donald Trump's main bank. And so, there are a lot of ties here that Allen Weisselberg would know.

COOPER: Yes, Senator Blumenthal, thank you very much. I appreciate it.

BLUMENTHAL: Thank you.

