Issue Position: Immigration

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Immigration

Immigrants strengthen our society and have played a vital role in Florida becoming one of the leading economic states in the Union. Andrew is the only candidate for Governor who opposed both Donald Trump and Rick Scott's policies that target immigrants.

During the child separation crisis, Andrew spoke out loudly and forcefully against the Trump Administration's inhumane and cruel zero-tolerance policy that separated young children from their parents. Gillum held Rick Scott and the Republicans accountable for their silence during this fight, and demanded Rick Scott support S. 3036, the Keeping Families Together Act. Gillum canceled events to join protestors in Homestead, Florida who are marching against a child detention facility.

Andrew wants to remove the immoral family separation policies that have torn families apart and made us less safe. Donald Trump has turned ICE into a police and child separation agency -- not a border enforcement agency that treats people humanely and compassionately. A decision between security or compassionate immigration policy is a false choice; we can have them both, and Andrew will fight for that as Governor.

President Trump's attack on cities friendly to immigrants must end. His attacks are not a projection of strength, but a reflection of weakness. Trump's actions are inconsistent with our highest values and cause us to shrink from our rich history as a nation of immigrants. As Governor, Andrew will continue to fight mass deportation policies that threaten to split families and hurt Florida's economy.

Andrew has forcefully defended immigrants from all around the world, including Syrian refugees fleeing violence and Haitian-Americans who have Temporary Protected Status (TPS) here in the United States. He knows we must be a welcoming state for all people.

Andrew believes that a decision between security or compassionate immigration policy is a false choice; we can have them both. Immigrants attend public schools alongside our children and graduate as valedictorians and standout students. They are critical members of our state's economy and greatly contribute to the culture of our society.
