Local Coverage Determination Clarification Act of 2018

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 12, 2018
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. Speaker, my colleague has well described the purpose of this legislation. As she indicated, the bill establishes a timeline through which MACs must publish proposed LCDs online. She described what they are so the public can be sure what MACs and LCDs are.

It would further require public meetings to review draft determinations and ensure expert input is being sought on all proposals.

The bill also provides that stakeholders and beneficiaries, as she mentioned, may request reconsideration of LCDs and that MACs must respond to these requests.

These are small but useful improvements to the local coverage determination process. It will help improve transparency and ensure that appropriate coverage determinations are made for Medicare beneficiaries.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to indicate support for this bill, and I yield back the balance of my time.

