Support grows for status bill


Date: Sept. 7, 2018

More Members have signed on as co-sponsors for my bill to provide permanent status for long-term workers and investors in the Northern Marianas. The addition of Representatives Madeleine Bordallo (D-Guam), Hank Johnson (D-Georgia), Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands), Collin Peterson (D-Minnesota), and Rick Nolan (D-Minnesota) raises the total of bipartisan cosponsors for the Northern Mariana Islands Workforce Stabilization Act, H.R. 6578, to 32. Granting improved status to long-term workers would relieve employers of the expense and anxiety of applying for CW permits. And improved status would finally give our long-term workers and investors, who were granted admission under Commonwealth immigration law, the knowledge that they are permanent members of our community. On August 6, the Saipan Chamber of Commerce issued a letter supporting H.R. 6578. To date, however, neither the Governor nor the Legislature have given official support to my bill.
