Issue Position: Second Amendment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Guns

The Constitution is the foundation of our great country and our government. As such, the Second Amendment must be defended to the fullest extent. I personally and proudly have my concealed carry permit and encourage responsible gun ownership.

As a mother of three, I also understand the importance of school safety. In regards to the senseless tragedies that have recently plagued our schools, I believe it is important to examine all aspects of school security, including access control, surveillance, Student Resource Officers, and mental health challenges, to best ensure the safety and peace of mind of students, parents and educators. I do not consider placing restrictions on citizens' constitutional rights to keep and bear arms an effective solution. I believe increased law enforcement is the best line of defense for our students. Our public safety officers are trained to protect and defend our citizens. We should make certain they have the resources they need to effectively do their job.
