Issue Position: Early Prison Release -- Public Safety Realignment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

I oppose the Governor's plan for early release of nearly 50,000 prison inmates. AB 109 (Public Safety Realignment) is bad public policy. It was hasty legislation that was largely a function of the State once again kicking its financial problem down on the counties.

First, we need to ensure that dangerous criminals are kept out of our communities. AB 109 does not do this -- it allows dangerous felons (who may have a recent non-violent offense but have a history of violence) to be placed in County jails that may not have the proper security or capacity to hold them. Local law enforcement should have the ability to identify those that are truly dangerous and divert them to State prison or other secure facilities. We also need to remove the roadblocks to expanding county jail capacity, as this will be needed to handle the current influx.

For the truly low-level offenders, our local Sheriffs and Probation departments have developed creative programs that are reducing recidivism and saving taxpayer dollars. We need to continue to support and promote such programs.
