Raybould: D.C. Deb Fischer Will Be the Last Senator Whose Vote Can Be Bought

Press Release

Date: Aug. 24, 2018

Jane Raybould's pledge to reject all corporate PAC money is a hallmark of her campaign for U.S. Senate, and today she continues to lead by announcing a proposal to clean up the corruption in Washington. Once elected, Raybould will propose her very first bill in the U.S. Senate called the "Gone Washington Act," a necessary piece of legislation to prevent the corruptive influence of corporate special interests on members of Congress.

Ethical issues continue to make headlines in D.C. where politicians are incentivized to put corporate special interests ahead of the needs of their constituents due to the influence corporations have over Washington lawmakers.

"My opponent, Sen. Deb Fischer is a part of the problem in Washington. She's accepted $496,550 during her time in the Senate from the very same corporations she's supposed to regulate. She's looking out for the lobbyists and big corporations instead of doing her job to protect Nebraskan families and consumers," said U.S. Senate Candidate Jane Raybould. "That's why the very first bill I plan to introduce in the U.S. Senate is the "Gone Washington Act' to prevent the corruptive influence of corporate PAC money over lawmakers' votes -- because Nebraska's next senator should represent Nebraskans, not the big corporate special interests who bankroll their campaign."

Telecommunications industry giants like Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast have bankrolled Sen. Fischer's reelection as she works to repeal net neutrality at the industry's behest as a member of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

Raybould's "Gone Washington Act" would prevent members of Congress from soliciting or accepting campaign contributions from any corporate PACs if they sit on a Congressional Committee which regulates that corporation's industry.

The bill would amend the 2002 BCRA (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act) and the FEC would be directed to develop parameters for penalties, inc
