Issue Position: Pro-Life

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Abortion

As the father of two children that my wife and I adopted as newborns, my view on the right to life is very personal. My beliefs have always been that life begins at conception, but once I had the privilege of holding my new baby girl in my arms, my beliefs turned to compassionate convictions. You see, a young scared girl nearly 5 months pregnant sat in a crisis pregnancy office in Tennessee with termination papers in her grasp. She did not know what to do or where to turn with this challenge she was facing. Abortion seemed the only option for her since she knew she could hardly take care of herself let alone a new baby. Within minutes, the fate of my little girl could have been very different. Fortunately, fate took a different route, and allowed a baby girl to be born and begin playing piano by ear at the early age of 5. Fate allowed a baby girl to become a competitive tennis player on the court and a leader in the classroom of her school. Fate allowed a baby girl to give her life to Christ at the age of 8, and begin sharing her love of Jesus and the hope of eternity to others that desire to hear.
