Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Our constitution says, the stability of our government "depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people, it shall be the duty of the legislature of Idaho, to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools." We continue to fall short of our duty to fund education so it is accessible to all citizens. The outcomes were clear to our founders; a quality education is the foundation for a successful economy and a high quality of life.

We can invest in our schools without raising taxes if we close loopholes for big corporations and the rich. We should invest in pre-K education; early learning programs improve literacy rates and drastically increase the chances for success throughout a student's education and "to go on." Teachers are a key to this success; we need to fulfill our promise and fund meaningful salary increases that improve retention and recruitment of quality teachers. We need to help our rural schools, many of which have buildings in need of repair, lack high-speed Internet, and have to close their doors 1 day a week because they can't afford it. It is our duty to ensure that everyone has access to a quality education.

As a lifelong educator, I've worked in many different capacities with several universities to develop and strengthen our young people and prepare them for the workforce. I know children face many challenges and it is important to provide a strong educational foundation. I am a strong voice for Idaho's entire educational system from early learning through college and career. I will continue to fight to fully fund education at all levels; invest in early learning; advocate for funding to support opportunities for higher education; support our teachers and work on ways to recruit and train our talented teachers for the future.
