Issue Position: A Path to the Middle Class

Issue Position

I joined the Teamsters while I was in the Marine reserves because I knew that my union would provide a good job that would allow me to support my family. That was the promise of America for me and so many people before me. Now, that promise is on the verge of collapse -- good paying jobs are harder to find, job security is almost non-existent, and too many people are working multiple jobs and not even getting by. I will fight for:

A $15/hour minimum wage that's tied to the rate of inflation so we don't have to have this fight again.

Elimination of the tipped minimum wage so EVERYONE is making at least $15/hour.

Investment in public transportation so no one is held back by not being able to get to their job.

Certified technical and trade school educational options for every high school student, and post-high school apprenticeship programs for students who want to stay in Pennsylvania for their careers.

Free or low-cost college options for every high school graduate.
