Issue Position: Restoring the Middle Class: Jobs & Economic Development

Issue Position

The gap between the richest and middle class in America, and in Pennsylvania, is higher than it has been since just before the Great Depression. The only way we have a thriving economy is with a healthy middle class, and the only way we have that is by giving people the opportunity to get a job and succeed.

Enhancing Pennsylvania's manufacturing sector: Manufacturing is one of the biggest contributors to Pennsylvania's economy. At the same time, there aren't enough employees to fill job vacancies in this area, resulting in lowered productivity and a missed opportunity for the unemployed. As such, I fully support growing this sector by increasing funding to Career & Technical schools, increased funding to Ben Franklin Technology Partners and continued private-public partnerships between the manufacturing sector and government.

Preparing for a future economy: The economy is changing; automation is accelerating at rapid rates and our retail market is collapsing. Pennsylvania must ensure that our workers are prepared for this changing economy, and that's why I've proposed studies that would ensure the changing retail market and increased automation are studied. This way, the legislature can learn how we must change our policies in order to prepare our workers for the future economy.

Continued development of the NIZ: The Neighborhood Improvement Zone (NIZ) is a tremendous blessing to Allentown that is helping to turn the City around. As a member of City Council, I fully supported the NIZ and continue to do so. However, I want to work to make sure that its benefits are targeted to Allentown's population and am committed to the employment of Allentown residents in this area.

Increasing Pennsylvania minimum wage: If minimum wage had kept with inflation over the past 40 years, it would be nearly $11. Instead, it's $7.25. A family making minimum wage will still be stuck in poverty and unable to purchase their share of the America dream. We must increase the minimum wage to $12 immediately before rising to $15 an hour.

Protecting Pennsylvania's Unions: Unions remain the backbone of the middle class, and in my mind, it's no coincidence that declines in the strengths of unions occurred at the same time of the middle class. I will support all efforts to strengthen Pennsylvania's unions and oppose Koch-brother supported legislation like "right to work" and other union-busting measures.

Targeted tax credits towards businesses that hire those who need jobs the most: Many sectors of our population have been hit harder than others in the recent economic turmoil. As such, I would support the creation of a tax credit, available to any and all businesses which hire Veterans, recent high-school or college graduates and the long-term unemployed.

Enhanced funding to Workforce Investment Boards, Small Business Development Centers & Manufacturers Resource Centers: These two programs are incredibly helpful at putting people back to work, helping them develop new skills and creating new small businesses; yet, at a time when these services were most needed, funding for both programs was slashed in the first Corbett budgets. I would fight to restore these cuts and ultimately further enhance both of these programs.

Pass legislation making it illegal to discriminate passed on someone's long-term employment status: In Pennsylvania, it is still legal for an employer to choose not to hire someone simply because they have been unemployed for "too long." This is unacceptable, as far too many of our residents have been unemployed for extended periods of time through no fault of their own. As such, I will work towards the passage of legislation that will make it illegal for an employer to choose not to hire someone only because of their unemployment status.
