Issue Position: Education for Idaho

Issue Position

The US Department of Education became a cabinet level department under the Carter administration, where the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. Similar to the situation we are now facing with Obamacare, it is extremely difficult to extricate ourselves from bureaucracies once they become entrenched. Our children and the taxpayers that are forced to support these bloated programs suffer the most harm. We have to work with our federal representatives to dismantle the Department of Education and return education to local control.

I support educational choice to allow families to send their children to a school which best meets the needs of the students. Parents are the ones who know the abilities and temperaments of their children, and what it takes for them to be successful. The old mantra, "you have to have a college education to be successful", is no longer a universal truth. I currently serve on an Advisory Board for Career and Technical Education and am a strong advocate of vocational and technical education.
