Issue Position: Business & Taxes

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Taxes

Andrew Brenner has been guarding your tax dollars since he was first elected to Delaware County Recorder in 2004. He managed that office like a business, cutting his budget and coming in under budget repeatedly and voluntarily. Also in that office, he introduced e-filing of mortgages and deeds, making Delaware County one of the first Recorder's offices in the state to "go online." All of this saved you money, and it still does today.

As a State Representative, Andrew Brenner has pledged to not raise taxes in Ohio and he has held to that promise. Here are just a few of the highlights:

Voted to eliminate the Ohio estate tax in the 129th General Assembly budget bill (cosponsor on HB 3; voted yes on budget bill, HB 153)
Voted for tax cuts in each General Assembly since he took office in 2011
Fiscal Responsibility & Smaller Government

National Federation of Independent Business - OhioBrenner supports a tax plan that allows small businesses to grow, shrinks the size of government and allows you to keep more of your money. Government doesn't know best; you do. As your State Senator, Brenner will continue to introduce, support and fight for legislation that protects your pocket book while balancing the state budget. Other candidates may have similar beliefs, but Brenner is the only Republican candidate in this race with an actual record of voting for and helping to craft tax cuts.
