Issue Position: Gun Safety

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Guns

I support the Second Amendment. I also believe that there exists no conflict between the the basic rights of gun owners and common-sense gun reform. Republicans and the NRA have pushed a false narrative around this issue for years and I find it irresponsible. This isn't about a gun manufacturer's bottom line -- it's about the safety of our communities.

In the face of breathtaking gun violence in communities around the country, we must act on common-sense reform immediately. We need to strengthen our background check system and close loopholes that allow some gun sales to happen without even cursory check into whether or not an individual should own a guns.

No Texan wants someone with mental problems or individuals with a demonstrated history of domestic violence to get their hands on a firearm. Nor should we allow for the sale of weapons intended for use as instruments of war. Our policies must reflect that.
