Issue Position: Raising the Minimum Wage

Issue Position

"No one who works full-time should have to live in poverty."

Trey was the driving force behind the most successful push for a minimum wage increase in over a decade. Trey authored and fought for House Joint Resolution (HJR) 26, a constitutional amendment that would allow for voters to decide on whether to raise minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $10.10.

Constitutional amendments are placed on a ballot and voted on by the public in order to become law and Trey argued that Texans should be able to decide whether or not they want to raise the minimum wage.

HJR 26 made it to the House floor for discussion, however, Republicans were quick to stop this legislation from ever making it to a ballot.

Trey is committed to the fight for a higher minimum wage for all Texans and will not stay quiet in the Texas Senate.
