Congresswoman Fudge Responds to Report Finding Exclusion of African Americans from Economic Opportunity in Akron

Press Release

Date: Oct. 31, 2018
Location: Warrensville Heights, OH

Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) releases the following statement regarding the Elevate Akron report finding African Americans are being excluded from growth and opportunity:

"Akron's ranking among the 10 worst metro areas for African American unemployment is disheartening but not insurmountable now that one of the underlying issues, exclusion of African Americans, has been publicly disclosed," said Rep. Fudge.

"Creating diversity in the workforce not only benefits individuals, but the entire Akron community. We can no longer ignore that African Americans are unable to contribute to the economic growth of our region when jobs leave the area; transportation to jobs is excessively difficult or nonexistent; and there are not enough classrooms and workforce development programs teaching essential job skills.

"When I signed on to the Jobs and Justice Act, it was with the residents of Akron and other OH-11 communities in mind. The bill aims to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour; provide tax incentives for hiring young people, veterans and the unemployed; and direct resources to communities with high poverty rates. I look forward to working with the greater Akron area to help provide inclusive opportunities and resources our residents need to fully participate in our region's economic growth."
