Issue Position: Economic Conservatism and Fiscal Responsibility

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Create jobs by establishing a favorable climate for economic growth and opportunity through limited government by:

Balance the budget -- live responsibly like we in our households have to do -- spend no more than we take in
*Stuck by conservative budgeting principles for 8 years in a row
Cut taxes -- so businesses will want to expand and jobs will be created and to help families and those on fixed incomes keep more of their own hard-earned money - Supported:
*2018 historic tax relief and reform
*2013 historic property tax reform
*2018 lowering of energy bill "tax"
*2014 Home Base Iowa Act to exempt veterans' military pensions from state income tax
Cut regulation -- maintain liberty and allow business owners and farmers to expand and create jobs - Supported:
*2017 rebalancing the workers' compensation law to bring fairness and equity to the system
*2017 removing requirement for project labor agreements
*2017 Medicaid Income and Asset Verification system bill
*2018 allowing for affordable health care with health benefit plans and association plans
*2017 allowing farmers flexibility to do electrical work on their own farms
Protect the Taxpayer - supported 2017 public employee collective bargaining reform
Rein in spending -- let future generations be debt-free -- let's not depend so much on government -- don't use one-time use funds for ongoing expenses
Uphold Right to Work -- no worker should be forced to join a union or pay their dues
