Issue Position: Improving Education and Repealing Common Core

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Education

Common Core standards and its implementation teaches children what to think, not how to think. Gone are the classical literary texts and stories that expose our children to the values, stories, and heritage that helped make our country great and used bold colors to define our country.

These bold colors are being replaced with the pale pastels of "informational texts" that treat our children as assembly line products being prepared for market.

Lastly, why is Common Core being allowed to transform our education process without any measurable metrics or proof that it even works. A rollout of this magnitude would never happen in the private sector without some type of quantifiable proof!

Our children in public, private, and home-schools are too precious to allow them to be subjected to an unproven centrally mandated process that is destined for failure.

State and local communities must maintain the authority to develop curriculum and make decisions for their students so that they can best compete in the future workplace. Education is not a "one size fits all." Every child is different and has a unique set of needs, and parents should be able to choose the school that best meets those needs. We must empower parents by placing educational decisions in their hands and giving them a choice!
