Issue Position: Tax Issues

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Taxes

South Carolina's tax structure needs to be as fair and balanced as it can possibly be--that is Bill Sandifer's stance on taxes. With a House committee working on tax issues, Bill is excited that several pieces of tax reform legislation seem to be on the horizon, which is promising. With his special focus on economic development and job creation, Bill is eager to see business taxes kept as low as possible, so that more companies will choose to do business in the Palmetto State. Lastly, he believes tax cuts work best when accompanied by lower spending. Bill will continue working to ensure every penny of money sent to Columbia by South Carolina's hardworking taxpayers is used wisely on critical needs and items that improve quality of life. As responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars, Bill believes, state government must live within its means, just as families do when they manage their own finances.
