Issue Position: Public Safety

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Every resident in every county in Maryland deserves to be safe in their community, on their job, and on our streets. I will support police, firefighters, paramedics and other emergency personnel to ensure they have resources to establish and maintain public safety and to respond to crises that arise.

As the type of crime changes, I want to be sure that they have the up-to-date tools and training to do their job effectively and without undue risk to themselves. I will support directing greater efforts and resources to combat human trafficking, designer drug and heroin use, gang activity, and the threat of mass shootings.

We should also explore effective interventions to deter at-risk youth and adults from participating in criminal activity, and support ongoing efforts to fix what's broken in our criminal justice and prison systems.


For Maryland's future and a stronger economy we must protect our natural resources. I favor a comprehensive, strategy for healthy communities that includes:

Fighting for clean water and air, and limiting carbon and other greenhouse gas pollution;
Encouraging development and wider use of reusable energy and of clean energy, like wind and solar;
Restoring and protecting Maryland streams, rivers and the Bay;
Preserving open space, making more communities walkable and supporting mass transit like light rail, buses, bikes and ride-share programs
Investing in infrastructure maintenance and green jobs across the state
