Issue Position: Healthcare Reform

Issue Position

Healthcare for Minnesotans must be one of our top priorities by choosing private healthcare reform not continuing with Obama Care and MNSure which has left 16,000 low income applicants without healthcare coverage.

Obama Care has failed and simply doesn't work for Minnesota. During the startup process, 1,600 Minnesotans had their private information compromised and 280,000 were forced off health plans they chose with doctors they liked. In addition, premium rates for women are increasing by over 40 percent. Over the next three years Obama Care will cost Minnesota Schools an estimated $200 million.

True health care reform will lower premiums by increasing private insurance competition across state lines. Innovation and competition are necessary to lower health care costs and improve access for patients. We can provide solutions that work.

"The doctor patient relationship should be freed from the micro management of government under MNSure and Obama Care."
