Issue Position: Worker's Rights & Living Wages

Issue Position

As a Missouri House Representative, I believe that I can help attract and retain jobs in our state. Jobs offer the right to organize, provide fair pay, have benefits, and adhere to safety on the job. The things Missouri needs to attract jobs are not so much in the realm of tax incentives and low wages. In order to attract good jobs to Missouri we need to improve and continue to improve the social issues and infrastructure of the state. The areas we need to focus on are our educational system, health care, urban housing, transportation (including mass transportation in the metro areas), and the utility grid. Companies pass by Missouri because they can't trust the future of educational or health care systems; they can't readily find the infrastructure needed to serve the needs of their industry; and even worse, Missouri has a stigma left from our history of racial segregation and a historically underfunded educational system.

I do NOT support Right to Work legislation and will vote for the state to commit to using union businesses to fulfill state contracts.
